UWMF Concurrent H-1B
Some clinical positions at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) may also include an appointment with the University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation (UWMF). For employment and immigration purposes, the SMPH and UWMF are separate and distinct entities. Thus, if the hiring unit is offering sponsorship to provide you with work authorization, each employer will need to file and obtain separate work authorization. 

SMPH staff will work with the International Faculty and Staff Services (IFSS) office to file the appropriate non-immigrant petition on your behalf so that you can lawfully fulfill the obligations of your SMPH appointment. As for your UWMF appointment, the UWMF will also work with IFSS to file the appropriate non-immigrant petition on your behalf so that you can lawfully fulfill the obligations of your UWMF appointment.

Due to the affiliation between the SMPH and UWMF, IFSS will facilitate the timely filing of the appropriate immigration applications so you can begin working for both entities on your expected start date. To accomplish this, IFSS may include the same or similar documentation in the UWMF petition that was provided for your SMPH petition. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IFSS.